We chose to use video, rather than flyers or posters, to convey our message because we believed that video would give us a better use of pathos towards our audience. We wanted to strongly affect the emotions of our viewers to show them the true severity of the situations that binge drinking can land a person in.
I would say that the process of filming and editing went very smoothly for our group. Everyone in our group was full of ideas, so we definitely had to make some cuts from our original storyboard. We had absolutely no problems with people pulling their own weight - everyone followed through with their responsibilities regarding the project. We did the filming at a friend's house, and our only issue with filming had to do with our camera. We tried to use a camera that we borrowed from the school, but quickly realized it was not able to zoom in to capture the type of shots that we needed. We simply switched to the camera on one of our phones, and that worked much more efficiently.
I had expected the editing process to be much more difficult that it was. We used iMovie, and to our surprise, as well as convenience, the clips that we had decided to use fit perfectly together to last one minute once we added transitions. We did have to play with the sound a bit to make the gunshot sound louder, because we obviously could not have the gunshot and the sound of the bottle dropping at the same volume. It was interesting trying to make that work.
As far as the overall project, I am very happy with how our final product turned out. I feel that it played to the viewer's emotions well, resulting in our message being successfully conveyed. Our tone was very serious, and I think that worked well for the goals we wanted to achieve. I would not change anything about our project. We worked well together as a group, and accomplished what we were trying to do. In the end, this project was a very positive experience for me.
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